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Cookie Policy

1. Introduction

When you visit this website for the first time, we will inform you about the use of cookies and your options in this regard in our cookie banner. If you continue your visit to this website without actively expressing your consent to the use of cookies or without actively changing your cookie settings, no non-functional cookies are placed. You can change your settings at any time by clicking on the “cookie settings” link on the cookie banner, or at the bottom of this website.

In the following, we will inform you in detail about how cookies and similar technologies work and how they are used on our website.

Last updated on 9 August 2021


Cookies are small data files that are transferred to your browser and stored by it on the device you are using when you visit a website. Unique identifiers consisting of a string of characters can be stored in cookies, through which Internet pages and servers can be assigned to the specific Internet browser in which the cookie was stored. This enables the websites visited to recognize the browser concerned when a website is called up again.

Cookies can store a wide variety of information, such as browser type, operating system used, language settings or other personal page settings, your use of the website, order information or login information. As a rule, cookies are not used to collect data that directly identify a person. However, information collected with cookies can be assigned to a natural person if it is combined with personal data of this person, such as B. an e-mail address. Basically, two different types of cookies are used on our website.

Session Cookies

Session cookies are used to store information about your activities on our website for the duration of your visit. Session cookies are deleted as soon as you close your browser.

Permanent Cookies

are stored on your device for a certain period of time so that we can recognize your browser when you visit again within this period. Thanks to these cookies it is possible, among other things, to create pseudonymised user profiles and to show you offers that are specially tailored to your interests. When you visit this website, cookies can be set not only by this website (“first-party cookies”), but also by third-party websites (“third-party cookies”).

Third-party cookies enable third-party features and functions to be provided on or via our website (e.g. advertising, interactive content and analytics). Some of the third-party providers also collect information via our website about which pages you have previously visited or which products you are interested in, for example, in order to be able to show you the advertising that best suits your interests. Detailed information on the third-party technologies  & partners used on this website can be found in our privacy policy.

Web Beacons And Similar Technologies

Web beacons (also called tracking pixels, pixel tags or GIFs) are also used on this website. Web beacons are small graphics (approx. 1×1 GIF files) that are embedded in websites or in HTML e-mails and are usually not visible to users. Web beacons are usually used in conjunction with cookies and enable tracking of user interaction with the content of websites or newsletters. With the help of web beacons, we can, for example, determine whether e-mails have been opened or certain links have been clicked, determine certain overall trends and individual usage patterns and generate statistics on the use of the website.

In addition, other technologies may be used that work similarly to cookies and save data in your browser or on your device. You do not have the option of specifically rejecting or deactivating these tracking technologies through your browser settings, but they usually only work in conjunction with cookies. Accordingly, rejecting cookies in your browser will in most cases also lead to the deactivation of these technologies. All of these technologies are hereinafter collectively referred to as “cookies”.

Third Party Provider

We allow third parties to use cookies or similar technologies on this website. These third parties include analytics, ad networks, and other service providers that help us provide, evaluate, and improve this website and our services, and to provide targeted advertising based on your browsing activities and interests. For non-functional cookies data is only collected upcon your consent.

These third parties may use cookies or similar technologies and collect data about your use of this website and your interaction with its content and features, including the total number of visitors to this website, the websites our visitors come from, the pages that visit, date, time and duration of your visit, frequency, banners / links clicked, as well as information about device type, browser version, language settings and geographic location (including country, the city, the region). They may also collect online identifiers (eg user IDs) and / or IP addresses. We do not have access to these cookies or any personally identifiable data collected with these cookies that allows us to identify unique users. However, We can use the information that arises from said cookies provided by these third parties. All collected data is made available to us only anonymously and in statistical form. For a list of third party providers used on this website please refer to our privacy policy section 10.

Data Transfers Outside The Eu

Some of our third party providers are based in a non-EU or non-EEA country. However, we work exclusively with companies that offer an adequate level of data protection in accordance with the stipulations of the GDPR. We also have appropriate agreements to ensure that service providers will take all necessary measures to protect your personal data in accordance with applicable requirements. The transmission of data to service providers in the USA is carried out on the basis of the so-called “standard contractual clauses” of the European Commission. The standard contractual clauses of the European Commission refer to a contract in which the service provider is obliged to protect personal data, in accordance with contractual regulations, to process them on our behalf and, in particular, not to transmit them to third parties.

2. Types Of Cookies Served Through This Website

We use first-party and third-party cookies for several reasons. Below you will find a detailed overview of the different types of cookies used on this website and our the reasons for using them:

Necessary Cookies

These cookies are necessary so that the basic functions of our website work properly, you can navigate the website and move around the website and use certain functions. We use necessary cookies, for example, to identify registered users so that they can be recognized when the website is visited again, or to provide contact forms. These cookies are neither used for advertising purposes nor to create a visitor or usage profile. They are usually saved for the duration of your internet session.

The necessary cookies also include those cookies which assign our offers to a seller in the event of a successful transaction. These cookies document whether and when a particular offer was clicked on. If you then buy something from a participating business partner, the cookie identifies you as having come from our website and we earn our commission. The cookies serve the sole purpose of correctly assigning sales to the respective offer on our website. These cookies are set by us or by third parties commissioned by us (so-called affiliate networks) and can have an unlimited duration. These cookies are necessary for the website to function in order to settle commissions from business partners with whom we cooperate.

Marketing Cookies

These cookies help us to record your surfing habits and to provide personalized offers tailored to your interests on this website as well as to show you interest-related advertisements for our offers on third-party websites (“usage-based advertising”). For example, the cookies collect information about which offers on this website you are interested in. The collection and evaluation takes place exclusively pseudonymously and does not enable us to identify you. We also use these cookies to control the frequency with which offers are displayed to you so that you do not see the same offer again and again. We can also record and evaluate the effectiveness of our advertisements that we place on third-party websites for statistical and market research purposes. This website may also contain plug-ins from social networks such as Facebook so that you can share the content of these websites on these networks. If you use these functions, these networks may also place cookies in your browser for their own advertising purposes.

Preferences And Comfort Cookies

With the help of these cookies, the settings you have chosen (e.g. cookie settings) can be saved for your next visit.

Performance And Statistics Cookies

These cookies collect information about how you use the website, e.g. which sections and sub-pages you visit frequently, what time the most accesses take place or whether you receive error messages. All information collected by these cookies is only made available to us in an aggregated form. Their sole purpose is to further develop and improve the functionality and performance of the website. Web analysis cookies can be set by us or by third parties on our behalf.

3. How You Can Control Your Cookie Settings

You have the option of deactivating the receipt of all cookies via this website, which are not absolutely necessary for the function of the website, via the cookie settings and/or cookie banner provided by us. Please note that cookies already set via this website cannot be deleted using these cookie settings. To do this, you must first delete cookies in your browser.

if you prefer, you can configure your browser settings in a way that no cookies are stored on your computer or to notify you before a new cookie is placed. Each browser is a little different, so please follow your browser instructions on how to manage your browser settings. You can find more information about cookies at or Please note that the full deactivation of cookies may lead to the fact that you cannot use all features of this Website.

If you use different devices (e.g. smartphone, tablet, computer, etc.) please make sure that each browser on each device is adjusted to reflect your cookie preferences.

Some internet browsers may include the ability to transmit “Do Not Track” or “DNT” signals. As uniform standards for “DNT” signals have not been adopted yet, this Website does not currently process or respond to “DNT” signals.

If you have any questions about the use of cookies and similar technologies through this website, please email us at: