• New record result in operating business – Profitability in 2016
  • Total GMV up 99.4% to EUR 463m in 2016
  • Rebranding of CupoNation Group into Global Savings Group
  • Continuous growth of global reach – Successful extension of brand portfolio

Munich, August 24, 2017 – The Global Savings Group GmbH (“GSG”), a leading global digital commerce platform for advertisers, consumers, and publishers, has hit new highs with its operating business in 2016. The company successfully enlarged its service lines to its consumers and advertising partners, enhanced the quality and quantity of its portfolio of web portals, and strengthened its position as a leading platform that enables consumers around the world to make smarter shopping decisions.

«Last year we successfully maintained our strong growth path. The extension of our global reach helped us to become profitable in 2016. We achieved this by continuously enhancing our platform that brings together shopping audiences with advertisers around the world. The successful development and launch of new consumer portals brings us a step closer to our vision to create a winning digital commerce ecosystem for advertisers, consumers and publishers driving purchases at scale.»Andreas Fruth, Managing Director and Co-Founder of the Global Savings Group

New record result in operating business – Profitable 2016

The operating business of the Global Savings Group developed very positively in 2016. The Group’s total Gross Merchandise Volume (GMV, the volume of sales generated for its retail partners) rose by 99.4% to EUR 463m (2015: EUR 232.2m). The group closed 2016 with a profit.

«The continuous growth of our different portals, as well as the launch of new partnerships, portals, and countries, paid off with a new record result in 2016. Over our currently more than one hundred digital assets, we were able to attract more savvy shoppers to our platform and generate significantly more sales and revenues for our advertising and publishing partners than ever before.»Adrian Renner, Managing Director and Co-Founder of the Global Savings Group

Rebranding into the Global Savings Group 

In June 2016, the CupoNation Group announced that it would rebrand itself as the Global Savings Group (“GSG”). The new name reflects the group’s strong and continuously growing global presence. The new brand contributes in sourcing international partners, enhances the group’s ability to attract and retain top talent, and supports the ongoing path of expanding the current portfolio through new consumer portals.

Growth of global reach – Launch of new partnerships and consumer brands

The Global Savings Group significantly increased its global reach, attracting more savvy shoppers to use the offers of its retail partners on its growing number of digital assets in the past months.

After the first acquisition of the Dutch competitor Imbull in 2015, the group also successfully acquired and integrated Blog de Chollos and SerialDealer, two leading social shopping communities in Spain and France, into its portfolio. Furthermore, the Group launched HolidayDetective, a curated online travel website in France, collecting and showing the best and most affordable travel deals.

The GSG also successfully launched its operations in Malaysia and the United Kingdom. Furthermore, it announced partnerships with Daily Mail and Le Monde – two of the most well known and largest publications in the world – jointly helping shoppers in the United Kingdom and France to make smart shopping decisions.

Today, the Global Saving Group operates more than a hundred select digital assets across five continents, represented by brands in more than 20 markets within a EUR 500 billion ecommerce market. The Group’s consumer brands are market leaders in many countries in the online shopping recommendation and savings segment.


In 2017, the Global Savings Group intends to continue its growth path towards building a leading global ecosystem helping people to save, that delivers fair value to all of its partners.

Continued innovation of its platform lies at the core of the development of the GSG. The GSG plans to improve what it offers to advertisers, consumers, and publishers, in parallel, the ability to connect relevant audiences to advertisers on a more detailed level than before. The Group will continue to focus on the extension of its consumer brands portfolio and increase its global reach.

«Our expansion into new offerings along the customer decision journey will enhance our ability to reach a wider audience and create more value for our advertising partners. By building new portals and strong consumer brands in the retail, lifestyle, and travel segment, we will be able to reach more online shoppers and help them make smart decisions to save money. In 2017, we will continue our growth path and work on developing a strong commerce platform and unique ecosystem for advertisers, consumers, and publishers.»Gerhard Trautmann, Managing Director and Co-Founder of the Global Savings Group.